Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Only when someone gives us permission to start trusting ourselves do we also start listening to ourselves, do we take ourselves seriously, as I believe God does. Only when we start trusting ourselves do we also begin to take responsibility for ourselves and for our mistakes. Only then do we grow and become 'fully mature with the fullness of Christ himself' (Ephesians 4:13). In this transient world of human limitation, there is nothing purely secular or purely sacred. There is only good direction and bad direction. Jesus came to show us the way--the way through. The theologians call it the 'Paschal Mystery,' the way of dying and rising.

We must admit that both directions are happening in our lives...The wondrous work of grace is to be able to gather those opposing forces together in one place and make them into forces for life rather than death. We call it holiness.

- Richard Rohr
Near Occasions of Grace


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