Friday, March 12, 2010

Strange Fire


i come to you with strange fire,
i make an offering of love,
the incense of my soil
is burned by the fire in my blood.

i come with a softer answer
to the questions that lie in your path.
i want to harbor you from the anger,
find a refuge from the wrath.

this is a message of love.
love that moves from the inside out,
love that never grows tired.
i come to you with strange fire.

find another state of mind.
grab hold.
strange fire burns with the motion of love.

when you learn to love yourself,
you will dissolve all the stones that are cast,
you will learn to burn the icing sky
and to melt the waxen mask.

yes, to have the gift of true release,
this is a peace that will take you higher.
i come to you with my offering,
i bring you strange fire.

this is a message of love.
love that moves from the inside out,
love that never grows tired.
i come to you with strange fire.

- Indigo Girls


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