Thursday, January 14, 2010



Prayer Service Thursday, January 14

Bishop Jelinek urges all Minnesotans to join the Presiding Bishop in urging your prayers for those who have died, been injured, and are searching for loved ones. Please plan to join Bishop Jelinek at a prayer service on Thursday, January 14 at 7 pm at St. Mark's Cathedral.

Support relief efforts - as seen on the Diocesean home page

The diocese has established a dedicated fund to which you may make a tax-deductible donation. All funds collected will be distributed through the congregations participating in the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti Parish Partnership Program. Donations can be made on line or by check to the Episcopal Center (payable to the Episcopal Diocese of Minnesota and write "Haiti Fund" in the memo line) or call Helena Bedell at 612-871-5311 and she can take your credit card information over the phone.

Additionally, you can make a donation to the Haiti Fund established by Episcopal Relief and Development to provide critical assistance such as food, water and medicine, as well as long-term recovery and rehabilitation aid.

Living God,

As we raise our hands helplessly, aching at the devastation we see on the streets and in the faces of the Haitian people, we raise our hearts to you. Through you, we offer hope and love to our sisters and brothers in Haiti. Through you, we send strength and peace. Through you, we offer courage to those who are searching and comfort to those who are mourning. Through you, we let them know they are not alone.



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