Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Caribou Coffee on 110 turned out to be the perfect place to create St. Anne's first blog. Jennifer McNally navigated and I steered, and here it is - TA-DA!! - a forum for information and conversation about anything and everything that is on the minds of St. Annians and our friends.

This is where we can have our "Virtual Book Club" conversations, and where you can comment on sermons, or offer your wisdom on what we're doing or could be doing at St. Anne's.

Please leave a comment below to let me know you visited, and give your suggestions for themes and topics. Let's blog!!

blessings and love,


Anonymous said...

This page looks great. I haven't commented on a blog before but i can now tell you that this is very easy. I think this is a great oportunity for discussions on current issues. Way to go.

Anonymous said...

How exciting - you are women of ACTION! Way to go, and very nice look.

You've given birth, now we get to see how it grows! ;-) (Guess what I have on the brain.)


Anonymous said...

This is so cool! What a great idea. Way to go!

Anonymous said...

Nicole, may your labor be as painless as ours was here. :)

(And as nice as this blog is, I have the feeling your delivery will be a lot cuter and definitely more snuggly!)

- Jennifer

Anonymous said...

A few people have asked me how to comment, so here it is:

Do you see the four bullets below? Click on the one that says "Name/URL". Then type in your name where it says "Name". You do not have to type in a URL address.

Write what you have to say in the comment box and then hit "Publish".

That's it!

- Jennifer